Dear artists and collaborators, we are pleased to inform you that the Prima Ink   the printmaking studio is undergoing a strategic shift in its goals and objectives. In the year 2024, we plan to introduce an innovative approach to printmaking in the city of Tromsø, aiming to enhance our practice and make a meaningful contribution to the art scene in the region.

PRIMA INK is printmaking studio that aims to become a dynamic arena for visual artists and anyone interested in art. It was established autumn 2010 by artist Silvia E. Martinez with support from the Norwegian Printmakers (Norske Grafikere). Here, artists and visitors can practice and explore different techniques and create diverse types of prints.

Prima Ink is part of the different art activities the city of Tromsø currently offers. The studio holds workshops, where you can learn different printing techniques. In addition, Prima Ink invite artists regularly to talk about their work and to use the facilities.

Prima ink cares about the safety of its members and visitors, as well as the impact the process of printmaking has at a global scale. That is why one of the main goals is to become a greener place that uses less aggressive and more environmentally friendly materials and techniques. We are currently working on that!